unlock unlimited resources
Pond secure cloud backup unlocks unlimited resources and our managed services monitor and maintain your local or Cloud back up environments.
Powered by the Redstor PRO backup engine, our Duo-LC system gives you all the flexibility you used to get with tape backups, but without the hassle of changing tapes or storing them offsite.
Scalable and secure, Pond Duo-LC Backup automatically and securely backs up your company data to the Redstor private cloud, where it is fully replicated and safely stored. Local servers, Microsoft Office 365, desktops and laptops are all fully supported.
Plus, Pond Duo-LC reduces the size of your back up, reducing data transfer and storage requirements and necessary speed of recovery – saving time. We offer complete cloud-integrated data protection.
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What we offer:
Backups can be scheduled to run as you see fit and stored in a highly secure UK data centre
Data encrypted: SSL for network and 256bit AES for storage – no security risk
Network transfers
Data transferred via TCP-IP-enabled network connection
Office 365 fully supported – Email, Teams, OneDrive & Sharepoint
Backups held on disk short term before being archived, no extra hardware needed
Bit-Level Backup
Only changes to a file are copied, making the process fast
Files backed up as and when they are modified or added
Back up your Windows, Mac or Linux Servers and workstations